Participation: Helping to shape climate protection in Bocholt
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Nothing less than our future is at stake. If we want to live up to the Paris Climate Agreement and contribute to meeting the global 1.5 degree target, then it's a case of "Let's get on with it, immediately and together!
And that is what Bocholt wants! Expanding renewables, increasing energy efficiency through technology and adapting to climate impacts that are already occurring today and will continue to worsen are of elementary importance for all of us.
The city of Bocholt has set out on this path. Currently, various departments of the city of Bocholt and external experts are working together to develop suitable approaches and implementations for Bocholt. Since the beginning of the year, support has been provided by the specialist office ENERGIELENKER from Greven.
In order to make use of existing opportunities for Bocholt, ambitious and at the same time socially accepted goals are needed. Open-mindedness, open-mindedness and the participation of many are therefore the key to success.
The changing climate
Climate change is already clearly recognisable in Germany and NRW: heat build-up in summer and rainier winters with increased heavy rainfall are just some of the phenomena that have an impact on the quality of life, including in Bocholt. It is not enough to wait and see. As an NRW climate community, we want to face up to these challenges - and take precautionary action.
Climate strip for Bocholt
About the climate strips
The average temperatures have been recorded nationwide since 1888. A look at this data makes it clear how much this temperature has increased over the past 20 years. This type of visualisation is called warming stripes and was developed by climatologist Ed Hawkins. Shown above: The visualised average temperature for Bocholt. The data basis is the annual temperature grid of the German Weather Service.