Public tenders
Current tenders
Laws and standards
The City of Bocholt is a contracting authority and must therefore comply with the provisions of public procurement law when procuring supplies, services and construction work and when granting concessions.
Public procurement law" is the entirety of the rules and regulations that prescribe a certain procedure for the state, its authorities and organisations when purchasing goods and services.
Reference is made to
Below the European threshold value, i.e. for national awards, the procurement and contract regulations for construction services (VOB Parts A and B) apply. For services that are not construction services, the sub-threshold award regulations apply.
The City of Bocholt has issued tender conditions and additional contract conditions for construction and supply services. The current text versions are available in the following sections:
Construction services:
Construction work is work of any kind by which a structure is constructed, maintained, altered or removed. Part A of the German Construction Contract Procedures (VOB) contains the general provisions for the awarding of construction contracts, Part B concerns the execution of construction work.
- Here you will find the application conditions.
- In addition, these general provisions are supplemented by additional contractual conditions for construction services of the City of Bocholt.
Supplies and services:
Services within the meaning of the Sub-Threshold Procurement Regulations (UVgO) are all supplies and services that are not construction services (see above). The UVgO regulates the competitive procedure.
Furthermore, Part B of the Public Procurement Regulations for Services (VOL Part B) applies to the execution of the service.
Click here for the municipal conditions:
Threshold values:
If they reach or exceed the threshold value stipulated in the Public Procurement Ordinance, a European procurement procedure is carried out.
The following net thresholds apply:
VOB awards: 5,538,000 euros net
VOL/VOF awards: 221,000 euros net
Europe-wide tenders are also published in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union.
Procurement intentions and contracts awarded
In addition to the Construction Tendering and Contract Regulations (VOB), the Sub-Threshold Contracting Regulations (UVgO) also provide for so-called ex-ante and ex-post regulations in order to comply with the award principle of fair competition.
The text versions of the laws and standards can be found at The consequence of these standards is that the contracting authority must publicly state procurement intentions in advance (ex-ante).
These are published in the section Public Tenders.
In addition, the contracting authority must publish the essential data of the procurement procedure. Due to the different standard situation, the contracts awarded are presented in two lists.
List of contracts awarded
Measures under the NRW Investment Promotion Act (Konjunkturpaket II)
The funding purpose of the measures under the Economic Stimulus Package II (Konjunkturpaket II, KP II) is to promote additional investments with a focus on educational infrastructure.
In accordance with the funding regulations, reference should be made to the financial participation of the Federal Government and the State of North Rhine-Westphalia within the framework of the InvföG: