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Information for emergencies

What to do when the going gets tough?

What if the power suddenly goes out or there is a flood or other unforeseen event? On this page you will find information, tips on what to do and important contacts in the event of an emergency situation - and how to prepare for an emergency.

Does the city administration of Bocholt assume that there will be a widespread power outage in the near future?

At present, the city administration sees no reason to assume that such an event will occur. Nevertheless, the current notoriously difficult gas supply situation is a good reason to deal with the issue of emergency supply at an early stage and in a results-orientated manner .

In this context, the city administration of Bocholt has set up this page and developed recommendations for preparing for a possible crisis scenario based on the "Akut" topic page of the Borken district and the general recommendations of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK).

Of course, in the event of a major emergency situation, state aid will also be provided. Nevertheless, the following applies: In the event of large-scale damage situations, emergency services cannot be everywhere at the same time. Those who are prepared can help themselves, their relatives and neighbours until government assistance arrives and reduce damage with protective measures", according to the BBK website.

State-wide warning day on 14 March

Regular siren alarm rehearsals have been taking place in North Rhine-Westphalia since 2018. These trial alarms were eventually developed into a state-wide warning day.

The aim of the rehearsal is to test the available warning devices and sensitise the population to the importance of the alarms.

The next warning day will take place on Thursday, 14 March. It will start at 11 am. This year, there will be a special focus on the use of websites and social media, as well as direct intervention by the control centres in the radio programmes of local radio stations.

Warnings via social media

Citizens can find out about crises via the following channels

What the warning tones mean

At 11 a.m. sharp on 14 March 24, the sirens will emit the following signals at five-minute intervals:

  • All-clear for the population: a single continuous wailing sound
  • Warning: a single continuous wailing sound rising and falling - this means danger.

It is recommended to take the following measures when the siren signal "Warning" is heard:

  • Go to a closed room.
  • Close windows and doors.
  • Switch on the radio and listen for announcements.
  • Also listen out for any loudspeaker announcements from the fire brigade or police.
  • Only call the emergency numbers 110 and 112 in the event of a real emergency.

As this is only a test alarm, these precautionary measures are not necessary on 14 March 2024. The warning tone will be followed by a one-minute cancellation tone in the form of a continuous wailing sound.

Information on www.bocholt.de

The city of Bocholt provides local information in emergencies via the city portal www.bocholt.de. The start page then changes to a special emergency page with important information as well as warning and behavioural instructions for the population. The city administration will switch on the emergency page on a trial basis on Thursday at the start of the trial alarm from 11 am.

Emergency generators

Stock up on food and drinks

Is an emergency supply of food and drink really useful? One thing is clear: In individual cases, situations may arise in which a moderate stock of food and drink can be helpful.

A good example of this is hurricane "Friederike" (2018). At that time, there were power cuts in individual regions, some of which lasted for days. In such cases, supermarkets remained closed and chests and fridges were out of action. Another example is a quarantine ordered by the health authorities: here too, a stock of food can help to avoid risky contacts.

How much food or drink you want to stockpile is a very individual decision. Nevertheless, the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance has compiled some general tips for the right stockpile for orientation:

  • An emergency stockpile should hold enough food and drink for ten days.
  • This means that two litres of liquid per person in the household should be stored per day . Important: Water is not only needed for drinking! If the tap water supply fails, water is also needed for cooking.
  • The rule of thumb for food is: about 2,200 kcal per person per day.
  • Follow the principle of "living stock", i.e. integrate the stock into your everyday food consumption. This will help you avoid expired food.
  • Build up your emergency stock little by little! It is not necessary to buy everything "in one go" - instead, take a little more with you each time you go shopping. This helps to avoid supply shortages.
  • Store food properly, i.e. in a cool, dry and preferably dark place. Make sure the packaging is airtight.
  • Don't forget your pets either! Emergency supplies also include pet food, bedding and necessary medication for dogs, cats and other pets.

The BBK provides detailed tips on the right emergency supplies on its website.

The sensible medicine cabinet

If you are unable to leave your home in an acute emergency (such as a severe storm), a well-stocked first-aid kit can help treat minor injuries or minor illnesses.

The following applies to medicines: stock up before they are used up - and pay attention to any expiry dates.

According to the BBK, the medicine cabinet should contain

  • Personal medication prescribed by a doctor
  • Painkillers and antipyretics
  • Remedies for colds
  • Remedies for diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting
  • Remedies for insect bites and sunburn
  • Electrolytes to compensate for diarrhoea
  • Clinical thermometer
  • Splinter tweezers
  • Skin disinfectant
  • Wound disinfectant
  • Disposable gloves
  • Respirator mask
  • Dressing material

When storing medication, it is important to note that medication must be kept in a lockable compartment and out of the reach of children. Medication should also be stored in a cool and dry place.

You can download a checklist from the Federal Ministry for compiling an emergency supply here.


Siren alarm! What now?

You hear a siren sound and don't know what it means? You can recognise the meaning by the type of signal tone:

  • 1 minute continuous tone with two interruptions: alerting the fire brigade. Note: As a rule, the emergency services in Bocholt are not alerted via sirens. In the meantime, the emergency services are primarily notified and alerted via app and message receivers.

  • 1 minute continuous tone: After previously alerting the emergency services, this is the associated all-clear signal.

  • 1 minute rising and falling signal: This is a siren alarm as a warning for the population. The following applies in this case:

Correct behaviour in the event of a siren alarm for the population:

  • Switch on the radio! In the event of a crisis, relevant information is disseminated via the radio stations. You can reach the local radio station for the region (Radio WMW) in Bocholt via the VHF frequency 88.4 Mhz.

  • Open the website www.bocholt.de. Current emergency information is published there in the event of a crisis on an upstream emergency page.

  • Stay calm! Only call the emergency number if there is an acute emergency.

Further information online

Further information on the siren alarm can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Help at emergency info points

In the unlikely event that a prolonged emergency situation does arise, for example in the event of a prolonged, widespread power outage, the emergency info point concept is used throughout the district - and therefore also in Bocholt.

What are emergency info points?

The emergency info points are locations that are set up at short notice throughout the city in the event of an emergency. Citizens can receive minor assistance there and have the opportunity to make emergency calls if the telephone and/or mobile phone network is disrupted in the event of a power cut.

The city of Bocholt has procured emergency diesel generators for the emergency info points in the event of a crisis. In the event of a prolonged power outage, these should help, among other things, to keep communication channels open between the info points and higher-level authorities (such as the Borken district).

This is what emergency info points offer:

  • Reporting centre for emergencies/emergency calls (replacement for 112/110)
  • Up-to-date official information on the overall situation

Important: No accommodation (sleeping facilities) or food supply is provided at the emergency info points, and initially no supply of emergency power or hot water (only when the situation worsens in further expansion stages).

The emergency info points are expressly intended for acute emergencies!

As things stand at present (February 2023), emergency info points will be set up at the following locations in Bocholt in the event of an acute emergency

  • Mariengymnasium Bocholt
  • Gym, Liebfrauen primary school in Barlo
  • Gym, Liebfrauen primary school in Stenern
  • Gymnasium, Euregio-Gymnasium
  • Gym, St Bernhard primary school in Lowick
  • School building, Biemenhorst primary school
  • Spork hall

The fire station on Dingdener Straße, the fire station in Suderwick and the police station on Dinxperloer-Straße are also available for emergencies.

Map with emergency info points in the Borken district

Here you will find an overview of current emergency info points throughout the Borken district. The emergency info points are being dynamically expanded so that further locations will be added gradually.

Questions and answers

Where can I find more information on this topic?

You will find further important tips and information on the following pages:

Is there information material to download?

The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance has compiled a comprehensive brochure with crisis information and behavioural tips.

This can be downloaded here (click here.)

Where can I get advice on the right pension provision?

Citizens who have questions about emergency preparedness and self-protection can use the free advice hotline of the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance.

This is available Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on the telephone number

(0228) 99 550-3670

can be reached.

Energy-saving tips for everyday life

Costs little and brings a lot

Here you will find practical tips that you can implement immediately to reduce your energy costs and consumption in everyday life. (Source: Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection)

Do you have any further questions?

Dieter Helbig

Allgemeine Ordnung, Gewerbe und Wahlen

Öffentliche Ordnung

Send e-mail

+49 2871 953-2104

Markus Telahr

Allgemeine Ordnung, Gewerbe und Wahlen

Öffentliche Ordnung

Send e-mail

+49 2871 953-2110

Herr Heine

Allgemeine Ordnung, Gewerbe und Wahlen

Öffentliche Ordnung

Send e-mail

+49 2871 953-2109