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Networks & Institutions

Westphalian University

Westphalian University - Bocholt Campus

The Bocholt campus is dominated by technical-economic and natural science subjects. Many local companies are already taking advantage of the practical orientation of the university through existing cooperations or joint (research) projects. These are a great advantage of the location, especially for the students' later career entry.

Münsterland e.V.

Münsterland e.V. - Association for the Promotion of Münsterland

As one of the strongest branded regional management organisations in Germany, the Münsterland e.V. promotes culture, tourism and the economy in the Münsterland.

Logo WFG Borken district

The Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft für den Kreis Borken mbH pursues the goal of improving the economic situation in the district of Borken and its municipalities and having a positive effect on the regional labour market situation.

International Network Office

The International Network Office is a contact point for German and Dutch entrepreneurs who want to professionalise their business activities in the neighbouring country. The project is an initiative of the Bocholt Economic Development Agency and the Dutch municipalities of Oude IJsselstreek, Aalten and Winterswijk. The International Network Office offers companies free advice on German-Dutch topics in the field of business.


The EUREGIO in Gronau promotes cooperation between the Netherlands and Germany to increase economic strength and quality of life and improve the integration of the border area.

Digital Hub Münsterland

Digital.hub Münsterland - the largest community for digital business models in Münsterland.

Companies, science, institutions, associations and start-ups network in the community. The focus is on advancing innovative digital business models.

An offshoot, a so-called hub satellite, has been located in the ETAGE3 coworking space in Bocholt since 2023.

Entrepreneurs' Association

The employers ' association group acts as a representative of employers' interests and is an expert on the topics of labour and social law, labour economics and much more.

AIW Business Association

The AIW Unternehmensverband - Aktive Unternehmen im Westmünsterland e.V. - is the regional networking platform for entrepreneurs and promotes the exchange of ideas and experiences from different sectors and company sizes.

IHK NorthWestphalia

The IHK Nord Westfalen is the regionally organised chamber of commerce and industry for the Bocholt location. Its remit includes the promotion of economic development. They are committed to business-friendly policies and good local location conditions.

Borken District Guild of Craftsmen

The Kreishandwerkerschaft Borken is the regional contact for companies and employees in the skilled crafts sector. The service includes, among other things, legal advice/representation or help with the search for training or vocational integration.