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© Stadt Bocholt

22. December 2023Social

Star campaign: families give presents to families

Christmas campaign in refugee accommodation together with St. Helena daycare centre

Bocholt - The children and parents of the St Helena daycare centre in Barlo have now given the residents of the refugee accommodation on Werther Straße a special gift: there was a wish campaign in which more than 50 presents were distributed.

The gifts were collected by families from Barlo and have now been presented at a cosy Christmas party at Yupidu. "We are delighted to see so many shining children's eyes," emphasised Azra Zürn, Managing Director of EWIBO.

Together with Father Christmas, the daycare centre children were able to distribute the many presents. With traditional Christmas music, treats and face painting, the children celebrated, laughed and "ran around a lot", said Zürn.

"The event is a great success," emphasises Sandra Rottstegge-Leson, head of the daycare centre. "Cultural or language barriers don't matter to the children - playing catch and hide and seek always works." Everyone agrees that this is not just a one-off event. "The return invitation to visit us in Barlo has already been extended," says Rottstegge-Leson.

© Stadt Bocholt