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 Convincing in the string ensemble: Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus from the Bocholt Music School.

Convincing in the string ensemble: Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus from the Bocholt Music School.

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14. March 2023Music school

Music students from Bocholt travel to the "Jugend musiziert" state competition

Four pupils have qualified // State competition from 24 to 28 March in Münster

Also this year, at the 60th "Jugend musiziert" competition, a total of 11 pupils from Bocholt achieved excellent results at regional level. Four pupils qualified for the state competition, which will take place in Münster from 24 to 28 March.

Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus will compete in the category "String Ensemble, same instruments, age group III" in the auditorium of Münster University on 24 March. They will be accompanied by music school teacher Gabriele Nußberger, who has been preparing the two for the competition for months.

On 25.03.2023, Christina Seggewiße and Malik Geisler will travel to the competition, also at the University of Münster, to take part in the category "String ensemble, mixed formations, age group II". The two are accompanied by music school teacher Priska Strümpfel.

"We are all keeping our fingers crossed," says music school director Claudia Borgers, motivating the participants.

 Convincing in the string ensemble: Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus from the Bocholt Music School.

Convincing in the string ensemble: Matilda Varone and Lara Nienhaus from the Bocholt Music School.

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