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05. April 2024Social

Making provisions with a power of attorney, living will or guardianship

Public training series "HealthTALK" on Wednesday, 10 April, at 6 pm in the Media Centre

The third lecture in the "GesundheitsTALK" training series will take place on Wednesday, 10 April. Lawyer Gabriele Theling will provide information on the subject of "Private provision - power of attorney, living will, care". The talk will begin at 6 p.m. in the Bocholt Media Centre. Admission is free.

For most people today, it is a matter of course to take precautions in various areas of life. However, as long as life goes on as normal, hardly anyone thinks about emergency situations that may arise as a result of an accident, old age or illness. What if one day I am suddenly no longer able to manage my own affairs? Who will represent me then? How can I ensure in good time that trusted people make decisions in my favour? Can my spouse make decisions for me? What happens if something happens to my 18-year-old child? What needs to be arranged and how can I best do it?

Using examples and taking into account the Patient Decree Act, lawyer Gabriele Theling will provide an overview of individual options in the areas of personal and property care, health, measures restricting freedom and housing matters.

Admission fees will be waived in favour of a fundraiser to benefit the AWO care association in Bocholt. Seat reservations are linked to registration at www.vhs-bocholt.de, but spontaneous attendance at the event is also possible.

The training series "GesundheitsTALK" is a cooperation between the Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre, the BOHRIS doctors' network and the Bocholt Seniors' Advisory Council.