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 Deutsch-niederländische Flaggen.

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© shutterstock (Aritra Deb)

08. September 2022Europe/EDI

German-Dutch regulars' table meets in Dinxperlo

Registration by phone or online // Everyone is welcome

The German-Dutch Stammtisch will meet on September 15 at 19:30 in the Noaberz in the Kulturhus at Maurits Prinsstraat 6 in Dinxperlo. Everyone is welcome, previous knowledge is not necessary.

What is new is that registration is necessary. Interested parties can register at the office in the Weiterbildungszentrum, Stenerner Weg 14a (02871/953-697) under the keyword Deutsch-Niederländischer Stammtisch. Registration is also possible via the homepage of the Adult Education Center.

What has remained the same is that there will be drinks. No prior knowledge or preparation is necessary.

There is the possibility to participate as a guest at the Stammtisch or to be registered in an address list of the Volkshochschule in case of regular participation. In this way, members are informed about the dates three weeks in advance with an invitation by mail.

The German-Dutch Stammtisch is supported by Europe Direct Bocholt and the municipality of Aalten.

 Deutsch-niederländische Flaggen.

Deutsch-niederländische Flaggen.

© shutterstock (Aritra Deb)