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"Nicht zu wissen was kommt, aber im Reinen zu sein mit dem, was ist": Dieses Credo von Christof Jauernig bringt seine Lebenseinstellung auf den Punkt.

© C. Jauernig

08. February 2022Education and culture

VHS lecture: A journey to Southeast Asia and to oneself

Christof Jauernig on Thursday, February 17, at the Media Center Bocholt // Start 7:30 p.m., admission 7 euros

"Lost Thoughts - Unthinking: A journey to Southeast Asia and to oneself", under this title the Adult Education Center invites you to the Media Center on Thursday, February 17, starting at 7:30 pm. Speaker of the evening is Christof Jauernig. The entrance fee is 7 euros (reduced 6 euros). Registration is via www.vhs-bocholt.de and is coupled with a seat reservation.

Any remaining tickets are available at the box office on site. Proof of 2G must be presented at the entrance. The event is supported by the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Adult Education Center Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg.

On the program this evening is a story of departure - in words, photographs and piano sounds; experienced, narrated, photographed and recorded by Christof Jauernig, who left to see the world with his heart.

After Jauernig captivated the audience last semester at the invitation of the VHS with "Eintausendmal Lebensglück - Erinnern was zählt" (One Thousand Times Happiness in Life - Remembering What Counts), he returns to Bocholt for one evening only and invites his guests on a unique backpacking tour. The former analyst of a management consultancy from Frankfurt am Main, had enough, broke out of the hamster wheel, quit his job and traveled for half a year with light luggage through Southeast Asia - without a plan for afterwards. Now he takes his guests on this journey, but also on his inner path, out of the crisis of meaning, into a new connection with himself and into the beauty of the moment.

To a large selection of projected travel photographs, Jauernig recites texts that were created on the road, accompanied by his specially recorded piano improvisations. An atmospheric, highly personal evening that invites you to pause and is rounded off by an extensive Q&A session.


"Nicht zu wissen was kommt, aber im Reinen zu sein mit dem, was ist": Dieses Credo von Christof Jauernig bringt seine Lebenseinstellung auf den Punkt.

© C. Jauernig