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21. February 2023

Education and culture

Successful start to the year for JUNGE UNI in Bocholt

200 pupils in lecture hall 1

The JUNGE UNI of the city of Bocholt kicked off the year 2023 with a great annual event: In the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, almost 200 people were amazed and learned during the exciting experiments from the MINT area.

The large lecture hall at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences in Bocholt was packed at the start of the year, even though it was still the semester break. The reason was the invitation to the start of the JUNGE UNI in Bocholt (JUBoh for short), which was taken up by 200 interested pupils, but also their companions such as parents and grandparents. "We are pleased that the interest in our offer is still great after five years," said Jennifer Engels, director of JUBoh, about the well-filled audience.

The JUNGE UNI of the city of Bocholt has started the year 2023 with a big annual kick-off event

Science is fun" show

The audience was set in the right mood by the band "Pineapple Juice" from the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School, which provided musical accompaniment for the event. After a few introductory words from the head of JUBoh Jennifer Engels and the head of the JUBoh business unit, the young students were welcomed by Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff, who was pleased to be able to attend the event live for the first time and took a seat among the children to follow the show "Science is fun".

Graduate engineer Joachim Hecker dealt with topics such as sound, electricity and fire in his science show. Together with some of the participants, he created a human electric circuit, made some children become "cyborgs" and set a book on fire. He also clearly explained what food-acoustic design is and told the audience that astronauts wear nappies under their spacesuits and why.

In the lecture hall, people marvelled, sang, laughed and applauded vigorously when, finally, real artificial snow was made in Bocholt and distributed to all participants. The scientist was accompanied by Michael Tewiele, who visually presented the lecture "Science is fun" and thus ensured a lasting memory.

In addition to other musical pieces by the school band, two young scientists introduced themselves to the interested audience. Upper school student Lois Heitkamp and high school graduate Timo Schwarzbach told about their experiences with STEM competitions and encouraged the children and young people to pursue their interests and to use every opportunity for further development as well as self-development.

On Wednesday, 22 February, the JUBoh programme for the summer semester 2023 starts with a total of 97 offers. Registrations are possible on an ongoing basis via the homepage www.juboh.de.