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 In der Skylounge des TextilWerks wird der neue Geschichtsband vorgestellt

In der Skylounge des TextilWerks wird der neue Geschichtsband vorgestellt

© Stadt Bocholt

22. August 2022Education and culture

New book about Bocholt city history is presented

Event on August 30 at the Skylounge // Reappraisal of the 20th Century

The literature on the history of the city of Bocholt is enriched by another volume: On Tuesday, August 30, the work "Bocholt in the 20th Century - A City on New Paths" will be presented in the Skylounge of the LWL Textile Works.

Until now, literature on Bocholt's history has lacked a fundamental reappraisal of the 20th century. Bocholt's 800th anniversary now provided the welcome occasion for a scholarly examination of this period.

The book project was commissioned by the cultural committee and produced as part of the anniversary activities under the scientific direction of the historian Hans-Walter Schmuhl, University of Bielefeld. Design and printing were carried out in cooperation with deutz produktionsstudios GmbH.

From September, the book will be available as volume 16 of the series "Bocholter Quellen und Beiträge" in bookstores and other stores and contact points at a price of 49.90 euros.

On Tuesday, August 30, 2022, the city history will be presented from 6 p.m. in the skylounge of the spinning mill of the LWL-Industriemuseum - TextilWerk Bocholt during a ceremony. The interested public is cordially invited.

It is asked for registration with the city archive until Friday, 26 August. (E-Mail: stadtarchiv(at)bocholt(dot)de, telephone: 02871/953-327).

Following the book presentation, there will be an opportunity to exchange ideas with the publisher Hans-Walter Schmuhl and authors present. At that time, the first copies of the Bocholt city history of the 20th century can also be purchased.

 In der Skylounge des TextilWerks wird der neue Geschichtsband vorgestellt

In der Skylounge des TextilWerks wird der neue Geschichtsband vorgestellt

© Stadt Bocholt