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 Jetzt wurde das Jubiläumsprogramm der Kulturrucksack-Aktion für 2022 vorgestellt

Jetzt wurde das Jubiläumsprogramm der Kulturrucksack-Aktion für 2022 vorgestellt

© Stadt Bocholt

20. May 2022Education and culture

Anniversary program: The "Kulturrucksack" turns 10 years old

Art and creative activities for young people from 10 to 14 years // Extensive offer

The Kulturrucksack is celebrating its anniversary - with an extensive program for boys and girls between the ages of 10 and 14. 22 cultural event highlights await the young participants, participation is free of charge.

Dance, theater, music, art: the new Kulturrucksack program has a lot to offer young people between the ages of 10 and 14 in the coming months - whether they want to be active and sporty or more relaxed, whether they want to take part in a drawing, dance or relaxation workshop.

The partners of the Kulturrucksack in Bocholt include the jusina association, Café Karton, the LWL Industrial Museum TextilWerk Bocholt, the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School, the Bocholt Municipal Library, the JUNGE UNI in Bocholt, the Aasee leisure complex, the Youth and Social Work Association and other players.

To the program points:

Selfie times differently!

What does yoga have to do with selfies? Which filters do you need to present the real you? What makes a good selfie? The young people will work on these and more questions in this workshop.

Organizer: Jugend und soziale Arbeit e.V (JusA),

Sporty with the sewing machine - A sewing course just for boys!

This workshop is especially for boys. They have the opportunity to acquire first sewing skills with fun and at the same time to develop their fine motor skills, concentration and creativity.

Organizer: jusina e.V.

Manga course

In this manga drawing course, children and teenagers have the opportunity to get to know the anime and manga world through drawing under professional guidance. The children and teenagers learn step by step to draw different characters. They can also get advice and support from the artist in drawing their own manga characters.

Organizer: jusina e.V.

My peep-box - from a pizza box to VR glasses

In this project, the young people consciously deal with the medium of "Virtual Reality" and learn about its advantages and disadvantages in a playful way. With the help of a self-construction set, the participants will make their own VR glasses. The first VR experiences will be accompanied pedagogically, artistically and reflected on together.

Organizer: Café Karton

Hip-Hop Workshop

In this workshop, a hip-hop choreography is rehearsed with the young people to currently popular music.

Organizer: jusina e.V. together with the dance school INTAKT in Bocholt.

Puppet theater for girls

Together with the children, rod puppets, scenery and costumes are designed and built. Through the construction of the puppets, an identification with the figures develops, which makes improvised play and the development of an own story possible. A play is staged from the scenes improvised by the children.

Organizer: Department of Culture and Education and actress Simone Silberzahn


In this workshop, the young people work together to create a street dance choreography. Under professional guidance, they can familiarize themselves with several dance styles that are assigned to the field of street dance and build up a choreography that will be presented in a final performance.

Organizer; jusina e.V. and dance school INTAKT

Film reel, film plate or I-Pad? How does a film get onto the big screen?

In this workshop, film artists learn how films used to be made. After gluing (mounting) the individual film strips together, they manually place their film in the projector and learn what cinema looked like "back in the day." In the further course, the young people shoot their own digital film. Finally, the young people admire their cinematic works of art on the big screen in the Bocholt cinema. A short guided tour of the cinema with a look behind the scenes rounds off the program.

Organizers: JUNGE UNI in Bocholt and City Library and Kinodrom

Pimp my Palette - We refurbish the pallet!

The young people build and design seating furniture from wooden pallets together with the coaches. In the medium term, the seating furniture is to be used throughout the facility in the outdoor area and signal sustainability.

Organizer: Freizeitanlage Aa-See Bocholt e.V.

"How cool is that?"

Starting point exhibition "Coolness". Deal with the term "cool", create a cool outfit and store (in small supervised groups). Perform statements about it, take photos and videos. Bring clothes and own reflection to the exhibition, make museum.

Organizer: LWL Industrial Museum Bocholt

Board game forge - Your game, your rules!

Board games have enjoyed great popularity not only since the beginning of the Corona pandemic. Playing together is fun and promotes, among other things, forward thinking, teamwork and, of course, a whole lot of creativity. But what does it actually take to make such a board game experience a success? How do you make a game board? And what does a good set of rules look like? Together with an expert, the young people in this workshop will take a look at these questions with the aim of designing their own board game. In addition to the examination of the field of game design, the use of various digital and analog materials are also part of this project.

Organizer: Bocholt City Library

Breathe new life into your old jeans - DIY backpack!

In this project, young people create and recreate something new from old pieces of clothing. From an old pair of jeans as well as a worn-out shirt, a backpack is created on their own, which is individually designed. Under the expert guidance of the instructor, the participants learn the preliminary work, such as cutting and assembling, as well as their first attempts at using the sewing machine. With a view to the history of Bocholt as a textile city and the sustainability of today, this workshop combines creativity, technology, history, art, project planning and economy.

Organizer: JUNGE UNI in Bocholt

Dream Big!

Who do you want to be? Where do you want to go? What do you dream of? With these questions, the young people create a vision board for their dream life.

Organizer: Youth and Social Work e.V. (JusA)

Acting workshop "Girls-Power

Based on the methods of improvisational theater and dance pedagogy, this workshop teaches basic acting skills and in-depth role-playing. Dealing with texts, props and the dramaturgical structure of stories will be further elements, depending on the composition of the group. The goal is to enable the girls to make new experiences free of pressure, without pressure to perform, just "among themselves" in terms of their own creativity, very personal physicality and social interaction. They experience and expand their own creative potential, let themselves be surprised by themselves and strengthen themselves in their appearance before others.

Organizer: Department of Culture and Education with actress Simone Silberzahn

Well organized for everyday life

This workshop is aimed at children and young people who already have sewing experience. A sophisticated messenger bag will be creatively designed.

Organizer: jusina e.V.

Light Painting - Photo Workshop

In this workshop, participants will learn about photography with long exposures. With the help of various light sources such as flashlights, candles, smartphone lighting, etc., the young people will make their first attempts on this terrain. They are allowed to actively participate in front of and behind the camera. In an evening walk, the preconceived motifs will then be implemented/photographed together.

Organizer: Café Karton

TIK TOK Trickboxx!

The young people become "Jucca-Influencers" and create funny short clips with the help of the Trick-Boxx. They learn how to use it and take a look behind the scenes of the world of influencers.

Organizer: Freizeitanlage Aa-See Bocholt e.V.

Chill out!

Pure relaxation for leisure, school and sleep!

Are you often tired, irritable or stressed? Do you feel overwhelmed at school, in everyday life or by Corona? In this workshop you will learn different techniques to switch off. Just like the motto: Chill out!

Please bring: comfortable clothes, thick socks, a blanket.

Organizer: Youth and Social Work e.V. (JusA)

Cool grooves from the wooden box - Cajon Workshop

Young people build the world's smallest drum kit and learn how to play it.

Organizer: Music School Bocholt-Isselburg

Cruise into adventure on the sea of stories

Storytelling and adventure overnight stay

Together with the actress Simone Silberzahn and the storyteller Rainer Kreuz, the young people go on a sea voyage and get to know the most diverse worlds and beings above and below the water. They listen to and experience stories and are allowed to become storytellers themselves. In doing so, they slip into many different roles - including an overnight stay at Café Karton.

Organizer: Café Karton

 Jetzt wurde das Jubiläumsprogramm der Kulturrucksack-Aktion für 2022 vorgestellt

Jetzt wurde das Jubiläumsprogramm der Kulturrucksack-Aktion für 2022 vorgestellt

© Stadt Bocholt