17. May 2024
Successful meeting to strengthen cooperation between Westphalian University, Bocholt and Wirtschaftsförderung Bocholt

© Wirtschaftsförderung Bocholt
f.l.t.r. Julia Gesing, Business Development Officer, Bocholt Business Development and City Marketing Corporation; Ludger Dieckhues, Managing Director, Bocholt Business Development and City Marketing Corporation; Prof Dr Peter Nalbach, Dean of the Department of Business and Information Technology, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt Campus; Astrid Lukas, Business Development Officer, Business Development and City Marketing Company, Bocholt; Prof. Dr Thomas Naber, Dean of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt Campus; Stefanie Geuting, Marketing/Public Relations, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt Campus
The meeting should lead to even closer co-operation between the local educational institution and the local economy, with the aim of creating synergies and promoting local/regional development.
Constructive exchange
The meeting, which took place on the university's premises, was characterised by a constructive exchange on potential cooperation opportunities. The new deans brought new ideas for cooperation, while the representatives of the economic development agency contributed their experience and expertise in order to concretise the cooperation.
Getting to know each other took centre stage
The main reason for the meeting was to get to know the newly organised economic development agency (we reported) and the two newly elected deans. The participants agreed that closer cooperation between the university and the business development organisation could be of great benefit to both the educational institution and the local economy. Steps were discussed to intensify the transfer of knowledge and initiate joint projects that contribute to the innovative strength of the region.
Cooperation is viewed very positively
"We are looking forward to intensifying our cooperation with the Bocholt Economic Development Agency and pursuing joint paths to promote regional development, strengthen competitiveness and raise the university's profile beyond the region", said Prof Dr Thomas Naber. "We are convinced that this partnership will lead to sustainable and effective results", added Ludger Dieckhues. The business promoters were positive about the meeting and emphasised the importance of close cooperation between educational institutions and business for the future viability of the location. The meeting intensifies the partnership between the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt, and the Bocholt Economic Development Agency. Both sides are determined to work together to strengthen science-business co-operation and to make optimum use of the region's potential.
Matching fair on 17 October at the WHS as a joint project
One joint project will be the seventh Matching Fair on 17 October 2024 in the foyer of the Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt campus. The organisation runs hand in hand between Westfälische Hochschule Bocholt and Wirtschaftsförderung Bocholt.
Further information on the Matching Fair will follow before the summer holidays.