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17. November 2023

Children and youth

New playground in the Weber neighbourhood opens

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Bocholt - There is a new playground in Bocholt's Weberquartier neighbourhood. It is called "An der Alten Aa" and was built on the edge of the new development area "Weberquartier".

The playground can be officially used from Saturday, 18 November. It was built on a playground area that used to belong to the allotment garden association of the same name. The old equipment was dismantled, the area enlarged and completely redesigned.

As is usual in Bocholt, ideas from local residents were also collected for the planning as part of a public participation programme and taken into account as far as possible. "We always make sure that we have something for different age groups," says Pia Lammers from the Youth, Family, School and Sport department.

At the "An der Alten Aa" playground, there is therefore a sand playground with a "bird's nest" and play excavator as well as a climbing frame with hanging arches. "They're all the rage at the moment," says Lammers.

There is also a seesaw carousel and a trampoline that can also be used by children in wheelchairs. A slope slide is also planned and is due to be installed in December.