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22. June 2023

City Hall

Storm warning: heavy rain in the afternoon

Heavy rain and hail expected

Radar image with current precipitation. (Source: DWD)

The German Weather Service (DWD) has issued a warning of "heavy rain" for the afternoon. According to this, heavy rainfall of between 30 and 60 litres per square metre is expected in the coming hours.

The heavy rain warning is currently (as of 12.14 p.m.) valid for the period from Thursday, 2 p.m., until midnight. According to the warning, "heavy rain" and rainfall amounts between 30 l/m² and 60 l/m² are expected.

Stormy gusts of around 70 km/h (Bft 8) and hail with grain sizes of up to 2 cm may also occur, according to the German Weather Service.

There is a warning of possible flooding of cellars and streets. If possible, outdoor activities should be avoided and windows and doors should be kept closed.

Current information is available from the German Weather Service at www.wettergefahren.de.