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 Symbolfoto: Betreuung und Demenz

Symbolfoto: Betreuung und Demenz

© Adobestock / bilderstoeckchen

27. September 2022Seniors

Support and relief for dementia care

Seven-part training for family members and caregivers // Starts October 8 // Remaining places available

In seven evening events and two half-day events, family members and caregivers of people with dementia can obtain a certificate, which is a prerequisite for receiving money for additional care and respite services. The training will be held starting Oct. 8. There are still some places available. The participation fee is 50 euros. Registrations are accepted at the municipal senior citizens' office by phone 02871 953-758 or e-mail edelmann(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Strengthening and relieving relatives

Enabling people with dementia to live a dignified and fulfilling life presents family members and helpers with a variety of challenges and tasks. Being able to better adapt to the feelings, thoughts and actions of the person affected and to understand the changes in the ill relative is a relief for the caregivers. It prevents excessive demands.

In this course, participants learn how to deal with people with dementia in a situation-appropriate way and what background knowledge is necessary. They are intensively prepared for their new task. Among other things, they learn to understand the needs of people suffering from dementia and to react to them correctly. In addition, various employment opportunities are presented.

The basic qualification is aimed at caring relatives as well as people who would like to become involved as dementia companions and is an offer of the Dementia Network Bocholt. The course is sponsored by the AOK Nord-West.

 Symbolfoto: Betreuung und Demenz

Symbolfoto: Betreuung und Demenz

© Adobestock / bilderstoeckchen