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19. January 2024


Relief supplies reach Ukraine

Bocholt - 13 care beds, 15 bicycles, 8 generators and many other medical and care aids have now reached the city of Verkhniodniprovsk.

Many citizens, companies and organisations responded to the call from the city of Bocholt and the "Helping Hands" association to send an aid transport to Ukraine on 14 December 2023.

Medical supplies are currently in short supply in many Ukrainian cities, including Verkhniodniprovsk. It was therefore the wish of the local mayor, Gennadiy Lebed, to receive these supplies with the first transport. The city of Bocholt has recently entered into a solidarity partnership with the community of 40,000 inhabitants in the middle east of Ukraine - just a few hundred kilometres from the war front.

Bocholt resident Leo Engenhorst and his team from the organisation "Helfende Hände" have collected warm blankets and clothing, small medical devices, masks and surgical clothing by the box. All the relief supplies were meticulously listed to ensure that they passed through customs smoothly. The city of Verkhniodniprovsk had asked the local municipal hospital in advance what was needed. The collected materials will be distributed locally in the hospital and to care facilities.

The people of Verkhniodniprovsk expressed their thanks for the numerous relief supplies from Bocholt with photos and a video report (at the top of this page) about the humanitarian aid provided. At the next online meeting, Mayor Gennadiy Lebed and other representatives will discuss the possibilities of exchanging experiences and working together with children.