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 Keine Müllabfuhr an Rosenmontag 2022

Keine Müllabfuhr an Rosenmontag 2022

© Stadt Bocholt

25. February 2022Disposal company

No garbage collection next Monday

Despite cancellation of the carnival procession, regular collection is postponed by one day

There will be no garbage collection next Monday, February 28, 2022. This is pointed out by the waste disposal and service company (ESB). When preparing the 2022 waste calendar, the ESB assumed that the carnival parade could take place and therefore postponed the waste collection - as usual - by one day in the carnival week. As is well known, the carnival parade will not take place for precautionary reasons due to the pandemic, but the postponement of the collection nevertheless remains in place.

Postponements after Shrove Monday

For the week starting on "Shrove Monday", February 28, 2022, the dates entered in the waste calendar will therefore apply: No waste garbage cans will be emptied on Shrove Monday, which means that the emptying of the waste containers will be postponed by one day in each case. This affects the organic waste garbage cans, the yellow garbage cans in areas K to O, and the blue garbage cans in areas A to E. All waste garbage cans should be emptied by the end of the day. All waste containers should be ready for emptying by 6 am.

For the waste workers of the ESB, this regulation does not result in an additional day off. After all, the work week is only shifted by one day. In all other departments, the ESB works regularly. The administration and the waste advisory service are also staffed on Shrove Monday. The recycling center is closed, as it is on every Monday.

Note on the waste app

Unfortunately, the IT company commissioned with the reprogramming of the ESB waste app made a mistake. The emptying dates of the yellow garbage can are not displayed for the year 2022. According to the ESB waste consulting, the problem can be fixed by deleting the profile once and creating it again.

 Keine Müllabfuhr an Rosenmontag 2022

Keine Müllabfuhr an Rosenmontag 2022

© Stadt Bocholt