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 Das Fitnessprogramm für jedermann startet am 25. März.

Das Fitnessprogramm für jedermann startet am 25. März.

© Stadt Bocholt

22. February 2022Social

Fit through the spring with "Sport im Quartier"!

Free exercise program for everyone every Friday from 9:30-10:30 a.m. // Starts March 25 // Register now

Fit and healthy through the spring: On March 25, a free exercise program starts for everyone. Weekly, always on Fridays, interested people meet 9:30-10:30 a.m. in the small little park in the Hardt at Stresemannstraße 1 (in front of the Clemens-Dülmer-School). "Just put on comfortable clothes, pack a towel and something to drink and you're ready to go," advertises Lisa Schoppers-Roes from the city administration, who coordinates the offer.

Registrations and inquiries to Marina Neumann under Tel. 02871 / 25131207 or e-mail marina.neumann(at)caritas-bocholt(dot)de. Residents of the neighborhood Nordost-Giethorst, but also all other interested Bocholt citizens are invited to participate. The registration deadline is March 11, 2022.

The offer is part of the "Sport im Quartier" project, a free health and fitness training for the untrained as well as for sporty people of all ages. It's not about performance, but about getting into the swing of things and moving outdoors with a lot of fun and enjoyment, while also doing something for your health, explains Schoppers-Roes.

The free course contains ten units, which are offered in the weekly rhythm. Participants can expect an easy workout that trains the entire musculature in the body and strengthens health. Exercises close to everyday life are performed with the participants' own body weight and with small equipment. The training is led by certified fitness trainer Lukas Heidemeyer.

The offer is implemented in cooperation between the neighborhood work of Caritas and the project for the interlocking of work and health promotion of the Jobcenter Bocholt.

 Das Fitnessprogramm für jedermann startet am 25. März.

Das Fitnessprogramm für jedermann startet am 25. März.

© Stadt Bocholt