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 Die zentrale Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt schließt vorerst ihre Pforte: Der städtische KIB-Beauftragte Sascha Terörde zieht eine positive Bilanz.

Die zentrale Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt schließt vorerst ihre Pforte: Der städtische KIB-Beauftragte Sascha Terörde zieht eine positive Bilanz.

© Stadt Bocholt

10. March 2022Press office

Municipal vaccination center Bocholt goes into rest mode: Friday for the time being last Corona vaccination possible

March 11, 4-6 p.m., for ages 12 and up // Book appointment via chanys app // Biontech, Moderna and Novavax vaccines.

The Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt (KIB) offers Corona vaccinations on Friday, March 11, 2022, for the last time from 16-18 clock in the building of the old savings bank (Am Markt). Appointments can be booked via the chayns app. Individuals 12 years of age and older can get vaccinated. You will need to bring a consent form, vaccination card and identification document. When vaccinating children under 16, they must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and have the signature of all parents or guardians.

The vaccines available, depending on the age group, are BioN Tech, Moderna and Novavax (protein vaccine*).

Both first, second and booster vaccinations* (first and second booster) are possible.

The same vaccine as the first booster is recommended for the second booster (possible from 70 years of age or in cases of proven immunodeficiency). It should be noted that, according to STIKO recommendations, the second booster vaccination (Second Booster) is only for persons over 70 years of age and persons with immunodeficiency.

The team of the Municipal Immunization Center asks to come at the booked times to avoid waiting times. An FFP2 mask must be worn in the KIB.

After that, the KIB will close until further notice. If the next wave of Corona infection comes and vaccinations are needed, the KIB may be back in operation in the short term.

Mobile vaccination team continues to come monthly

The offer of the mobile vaccination unit of the district of Borken (KoCI Kreis Borken) will be maintained. It is expected that on 2 days in every first week of the month vaccinations will be carried out on site in the old savings bank. Dates are available on the internal website of the district of Borken at https://impfen.kreis-borken.de/de/newspublic/coronavirus/corona-schutzimpfung/.

Balance of the Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt: 9,400 persons vaccinated

The KIB was in operation from December 1, 2021 to March 11, 2022. A total of 9,400 people were vaccinated at the there. This included 484 first-time vaccinations (approx. 5%).

"In December 2021, we were able to get the vaccination site up and running within a week due to the strong support and extremely cooperative collaboration of all partners. In the first days and weeks, a peak of 800 vaccinations per day could be performed. Now high vaccination rates of 85% have been reached in the district of Borken, so that the need for vaccination capacity is no longer given. Therefore, we are now going into a standby or dormant position. Basically, we hope that the Municipal Vaccination Center will no longer be "necessary" in the future. The team has adapted very well and we would like to thank everyone involved for their high level of commitment. We know that we can count on the same commitment should vaccination activities have to be ramped up again," sums up KIB Officer Sascha Terörde from the City of Bocholt.

* Booster vaccinations (1st or 2nd booster vaccinations) can be given at the earliest three months after basic immunization has been completed or, in the case of persons over 70 years of age and persons with immunodeficiency, after the first booster vaccination. If a second booster vaccination is given, it should be given with the same vaccine as the first.

Notes on Novavax:

Novavax is recommended for persons 18 years of age and older, according to StIKo. For basic immunization, two doses must be vaccinated with a minimum interval of three weeks. The vaccine can also be used to complete vaccination protection for simply Johnson & Johnson vaccinated individuals.

Vaccination records (including the consent form) can be downloaded and completed in advance at https://kreis-borken.de/impfunterlagen.

 Die zentrale Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt schließt vorerst ihre Pforte: Der städtische KIB-Beauftragte Sascha Terörde zieht eine positive Bilanz.

Die zentrale Kommunale Impfstelle Bocholt schließt vorerst ihre Pforte: Der städtische KIB-Beauftragte Sascha Terörde zieht eine positive Bilanz.

© Stadt Bocholt