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Bicycle parking facilities in the city centre

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to use the bike stations and bike boxes?

A 6-hour slot costs between 0.50 euros and 0.70 euros.

All prices can be viewed on the provider's website.

What payment methods are available?

Payments can currently be made by PayPal, credit card and SEPA direct debit. A cash payment option is to follow for the bike station at Europaplatz.

Where can I find my access data?

On the website of the provider radbox.nrw you can log in after registration via the menu item "Registration". There you can view your access data under "Manage booking".

How often can I open the door of the bike box at the arcades during the rental period?

During the rental period, you can open and close the door as often as you like using your access data.

Is my hired bike automatically insured?

No, your bike is not automatically insured. The landlords of the parking facilities are not liable for stolen items or other damage.

Who can I contact if I have a technical problem?

For all questions, please use the contact form in the booking application (menu Profile > Support) or, in urgent cases, the telephone hotline provided (number on the payment terminal). You can also send an e-mail to support-faa(at)viaboxx(dot)de.

Viaboxx, as the operator of radbox.nrw, will check your enquiry and forward it to the relevant department.

What can I do if the door of my box does not open?

Wait a short moment, there may be a brief delay in the transfer of the access data.

If this does not help, contact support via the contact form in the booking application (menu Profile > Support) or by e-mail to support-faa(at)viaboxx(dot)de. In urgent cases, call the telephone hotline.

What happens if I exceed the hire period for the bike boxes at the arcades and collect my bike too late?

The door does not open automatically. The box / parking space / compartment is released for booking again for everyone on the booking platform and can be booked by someone else. If the bike is still inside, it can be found by the person renting it again. In this case, they should contact us directly. If another space is available at the desired location, we can rebook the person renting the bike to another parking space.

As long as no other user has booked, the door can be opened again after the rental period has expired.

A reminder email will be sent as soon as the booking can be extended.

General Terms and Conditions radbox.nrw

Enclosed you will find the general terms and conditions for the bike boxes at the Bustreff, Liebfrauenplatz, Akaden and railway station locations.