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Education / Information

Energy Days 2023 - the future of your property

How to heat old buildings in future?

Sustainable renovation protects the environment and your wallet in the long term. Whether it's better insulation of your own four walls, replacing the windows, installing more efficient heating or installing a photovoltaic system. This not only reduces carbon dioxide emissions, but also saves you money through lower energy costs.
Three topics relating to the future of your own property will be presented on each of the three evenings.

We have invited DENA-certified energy efficiency expert Hermann-Josef Schäfer to join us. He has been working as an architect, energy consultant and lecturer for several decades. He has supported clients in the realisation of their projects, carried out energy consultations and advised property owners on energy-efficient refurbishment.

The first lecture on the topic "How to heat old buildings in the future?" will take place on 2 May 2023. Topics such as the transition to heat pumps, when it makes sense to replace the old heating system or how to convert heating oil heating systems will be explained.

Participation is free of charge.

Further information and registration* at:
(*the number of participants is limited)