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Communal Integration Management (KIM)

Logo Municipal Integration Management NRW

Municipal Integration Management (KIM) is a programme of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, which is funded by the Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Equality, Refugees and Integration NRW.

The aim of KIM is to improve the opportunities for participation of people with a history of immigration and to promote cooperation between integration stakeholders. The programme is implemented across the board in all districts and independent cities in North Rhine-Westphalia. The city of Bocholt participates in the programme in cooperation with the Municipal Integration Centre of the Borken district and the AWO. KIM comprises three modules:

Building blocks of municipal integration management

Module I: Coordination

The coordinating office is responsible for the strategic implementation and development of municipal integration management. This includes providing professional support to the case managers on an organisational and content-related level. In addition, the Coordination Office is committed to networking full-time and voluntary stakeholders involved in local integration processes in order to identify and structure the need for action and create an overview.

Module II: Cross-jurisdictional case management

Module II utilises the case management methodology for people with a migrant background and multiple problems. Together with the clients, the case managers gain an overview of the respective needs and formulate the resulting goals with regard to the integration process. They connect those seeking advice with the right actors, authorities and advice centres that have specific expertise in the respective areas in order to achieve these goals.

Case management thus takes on the task of case management of the respective counselling process. The focus is on "helping clients to help themselves" in order to empower them to become independent. Participation in KIM Case Management is voluntary, free of charge and relies on active involvement.

In addition to counselling in individual cases, a central task of case management is participation at system level and in the network. In this way, case management helps to bring about long-term structural changes that support integration and participation in society.

Case management is implemented in the Borken district by independent welfare organisations. The AWO Münsterland-Recklinghausen sub-district is responsible for Bocholt

Baukreis III: Staff positions in the foreigners authority

The third component of municipal integration management comprises two staff positions at the Foreigners' Registration Office in Bocholt. Component III represents a helpful interface between the Foreigners' Registration Office and Components I and II. In co-operation with the other modules, Module III primarily aims to promote the legal integration of those affected. Specifically, for example, prospects for obtaining a right of residence are developed with tolerated persons. Persons who already have a right of residence are supported in consolidating their residence and possibly naturalising. In addition, Module III also acts as a point of contact for other integration stakeholders and network partners (welfare organisations, integration officers, etc.).

Further information on municipal integration management at district level can be found on the Borken district website.