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 Relatives and everyday helpers of dementia sufferers can now attend a training course in Bocholt.

Relatives and everyday helpers of dementia sufferers can now attend a training course in Bocholt.

© shutterstock (Light Field)

15. January 2024Social

Basic training for everyday carers of dementia patients

Nine-part course starts on 27 January - register now // Aim: to strengthen and relieve relatives // Dementia Network Bocholt invites you to attend

The diagnosis of dementia in a loved one often triggers a wide range of emotions in relatives, from defence and helplessness to fear and anger. Dealing with the changes and ensuring a dignified life for people with dementia present family members and carers with immense challenges. The Bocholt Dementia Network is launching a series of training courses to help them cope better and improve the quality of life of those affected.

The training course entitled "Supporting people with dementia in a qualified manner - strengthening and relieving relatives" offers carers and committed dementia caregivers a basic qualification. The course, funded by AOK NordWest, runs from 27 January to 21 March 2024 and comprises seven evening events and two half-day events on Saturdays.

Participants are intensively prepared for their new role and gain insights into how to deal with people with dementia in an appropriate manner. The course provides the necessary background knowledge, promotes an understanding of the needs of those affected and shows appropriate ways of responding. Various employment options are also presented. According to the organisers, many carers find it easier to adjust to the feelings, thoughts and actions of the affected relative and to understand the changes they are experiencing - and this prevents them from becoming overwhelmed".

The cost contribution is 50 euros per participant. At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate in accordance with Section 45 of the German Social Security Code XI for additional care and respite services.


Marie-Therese Brand from the City of Bocholt's senior citizens' office will accept registrations on 02871 / 953-2234 or by email at seniorenbuero(at)bocholt(dot)de and answer any questions about the course. "The Bocholt Dementia Network is looking forward to making a positive contribution to supporting relatives and dementia carers through this series of training courses", says Brand.

 Relatives and everyday helpers of dementia sufferers can now attend a training course in Bocholt.

Relatives and everyday helpers of dementia sufferers can now attend a training course in Bocholt.

© shutterstock (Light Field)