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© Carina Wohlleben

© Carina Wohlleben

© Ludwig Verlag

08. March 2024Education and culture

"Bocholt reads!": Well-known nature and landscape ecologist presents guidebook

Friday, 15 March, from 19:30 at the City Library // Carina Wohlleben on her strategy in the fight against climate change and the rediscovery of nature // Order tickets now

On Friday, 15 March, the well-known author Carina Wohlleben will be presenting her guidebooks "The World Can Still Be Saved" and "Totally Relaxed Vegan" at Bocholt City Library. The author talks about her love of nature - and explains what everyone can do to stop climate change. The reading from the "Bocholt reads!" series starts at 7.30 pm. Tickets cost 10 euros (advance booking 9 euros).


Tickets are available at www.vhs-bocholt.de, at the adult education centre offices, in the city library or at the box office.

Topic: environmental protection and sustainability

Full of optimism, Carina Wohlleben, nature conservation and landscape ecologist and geographer, shows in her book how you can rediscover your love of nature and take up the fight against climate change. She talks about her life and the constant balancing act of reconciling environmental protection and everyday life.

The realisation that you can reduce your ecological footprint by 25 percent simply by not eating animal products prompted Wohlleben to adopt a vegan diet. Using many examples, she demonstrates how our personal decisions can have an impact on global problems such as factory farming, industrial agriculture and polluted oceans - and how everyone can help to ensure that the world remains liveable for our children.

100 years of Bocholt City Library

"Since libraries feel a strong connection to the topic of sustainability as a mediator of literature and the first point of contact for borrowing media, we are delighted that we have succeeded in including an author reading with Carina Wohlleben in our anniversary programme for the 100th birthday of the city library", says Melanie Tenhumberg, specialist director of the city library. "Her guidebooks make an important contribution to the topics of climate change and environmental protection. Participants in this reading will gain valuable impulses for their environmental and climate awareness."

Organiser and supporter

The Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre and the City Library invite all interested parties to the event.

The reading is supported by the Förderverein der Volkshochschule Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg, Stadtbibliothek and JUNGE UNI in Bocholt as well as Mayersche Buchhandlung.

© Carina Wohlleben

© Carina Wohlleben

© Ludwig Verlag