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 Attention construction site

Attention construction site

© Stadt Bocholt

08. November 2023Traffic

Closure for sewer work on Kurfürstenstraße

Road completely closed on Thursday and Friday // Alternative stops for city buses

Due to necessary sewer work, Kurfürstenstraße immediately south of the junction with Hammarskjöldstraße will be closed for two days. The work is scheduled to begin tomorrow, Thursday 9 November. Alternative bus stops will be set up for the city bus for these two days.

Kurfürstenstraße will be completely closed to traffic on 9 and 10 November between house numbers 177 and 179 due to renovation work on supply lines that has become necessary at short notice. However, pedestrians and cyclists will be able to pass through the area.

Two alternative bus stops will be set up on Schwanenstraße for the city bus and stopping restrictions will be imposed on Blumenstraße for regular services.

Local travellers are asked to avoid the area during this time.

 Attention construction site

Attention construction site

© Stadt Bocholt