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© Stadtbus Bocholt

30. January 2024Traffic

Bocholt city bus not affected by the strike

Nationwide warning strike on Friday has no impact on city bus services

As announced this week by the trade unions Verdi, a warning strike with nationwide effects in local transport (except for the federal state of Bavaria) will take place next Friday, 2 February.

The Bocholt city and TaxiBus routes are not affected by this strike, as the employees of the city bus service provider WB Westfalen Bus GmbH, as a group company of Deutsche Bahn AG, are not covered by the Verdi trade union under the municipal collective agreement TV-N, but are represented by the EVG trade union (Eisenbahn- und Verkehrsgewerkschaft).

All Bocholt city and taxi buses will therefore run as scheduled on Friday, according to StadtBus Bocholt GmbH.

Further information and free advice on bus & rail is available in person or by telephone at the StadtBusCenter at the Bustreff (Europaplatz) during the usual opening hours (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm, Sat: 9am-14pm, 02871-219190)

Source: StadtBus Bocholt GmbH

© Stadtbus Bocholt