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08. March 2023


Fildeken sports hall temporarily closed

This week, the city of Bocholt closed the triple sports hall at the Bocholt Comprehensive School after a mould infestation was discovered in an area of the hall that is currently not in use. At the beginning of next week, a specialist company will take a sample of the air in the room, according to the city of Bocholt.

The Fildeken sports hall at the Bocholt comprehensive school is mainly used by sports clubs. "We have already informed the clubs and are currently examining suitable alternative rooms," says Thomas Boekhorst from the Youth, Family, School and Sports Department of the City of Bocholt. Nevertheless, there may be restrictions due to the closure, says Boekhorst.

Hall should be closed from May

It is true that the mould infestation was detected in a part of the hall that is currently not being used. "Nevertheless, we are playing it safe here and closing the hall until the results of the indoor air test are available," says Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff.

It was originally planned to close the hall only at the end of May, when a renovation of the building's roof is scheduled. In addition to the renovation of the hall roof and ceilings, the entire building services for fire protection, heating and ventilation will be repaired; the measure is expected to last until the end of 2024.

We play it safe here and close the hall until the results of the indoor air test are available.

Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff