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03. May 2023

Environmental Department

Upcycling action: Additional date on 8 May

There is now an additional date for the upcycling action offered by the Bocholt Makerspace together with the City of Bocholt. The first two bag sewing workshops are already fully booked, says environmental officer Angela Theurich.

The course is offered free of charge as part of the city cycling campaign. The material for the bags will be city bike banners from last year, according to the city. "The first bags are already ready and look great," says environmental officer Angela Theurich: "We are pleased that the topic of upcycling from old plastic banners is so well received. The additional course will take place next Monday, 8 May, from 3.30 pm at the Makerspace (Westend 31).

In addition to this third course, those interested in sewing individually and without assistance can register for this on 16 May at the Makerspace Bocholt.

The first bags are already finished and look great!

Environmental Officer Angela Theurich

City takes over fees

In addition to colourful waterproof bags, backpacks and pack rolls, the tarpaulin can also be used to make belts or garden cushions, for example. "There are no limits to the imagination," says Theurich. As with the first two events, the city of Bocholt will again provide old Stadtradel advertising banners free of charge and will pay the Makerspace fees.

Registrations are accepted by Tanja Doeven at +49 176 86660925 or at makerspace-bocholt-TD(at)web(dot)de. There is also an online registration form.