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Federal election2025

Early federal election on 23 February 2025

The early Bundestag election will take place on Sunday, 23 February 2025.

In Bocholt, 54,396 eligible voters will be able to cast their vote in the Bundestag election. The Bocholt electoral office will set up 40 polling stations. Voting by post will also be possible again.

Voting notifications will be sent out from 13 January to the end of January. Anyone who has not received a polling card by 2 February is asked to contact the Bocholt electoral office.

Postal vote

The election notification contains important information on how to apply for postal voting documents. These can be applied for both in writing and verbally; unfortunately, applications by telephone are not possible. To make the process easier, the election notifications are provided with a QR code that already contains the necessary personal details. Alternatively, interested parties can conveniently apply for a postal vote via this link.

Voters should note that postal delivery times are shorter due to the early election date. Postal voting can also be applied for a fortnight before the election "on site" at the electoral office. Here it is possible to receive the documents in person so that you can even vote directly on the spot.

It is important to know that the mailing of postal voting documents is not expected to begin until two weeks before the election, even if those entitled to vote have already submitted their application earlier. This is due to the fact that the final list of parties and candidates is not expected to be finalised until the end of January. The printing of the ballot papers cannot begin until then and the ballot papers will then be sent to postal voters.


Completed postal ballot papers must be returned in good time or handed in directly to the electoral office in order to be counted by 23 February at 6 pm.

Stand up for democracy! Support the 2025 Bundestag election now as a poll worker.

Becoming a poll worker

In order to ensure that the election runs smoothly, the city of Bocholt is relying on the support of around 500 volunteer poll workers on this election Sunday.

The prerequisite for volunteering is that the electoral assistants are eligible to vote; they must therefore be at least 18 years old.

An election committee consists of eight people. Polling assistants hand out the ballot papers, for example, ensure that the election is conducted properly and count the ballot papers later. Polling assistants are trained by the city of Bocholt in the run-up to the election. They will receive a refreshment allowance of 50 euros for their work on election day.

The election is expected to take place on Sunday, 23 February 2025, from 8 am to 6 pm. The electoral boards will meet at 7.30 a.m. in the allocated polling stations, as close to home as possible, and divide into two shifts (from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.).

From 6 p.m. onwards, the election boards will jointly determine the election results.


If you are interested in working as an election assistant on 23 February 2025, please register preferably via

You will receive further information after the deployment plan has been drawn up in the event that you are assigned to a polling station or postal ballot board.

Constituencies, polling districts, polling stations

Click on the map and the symbols to find out about electoral districts, polling districts and polling stations in Bocholt.